

Although the automatic install and update process is designed to be as smooth as possible, there are a few things that can go wrong. This page will help you troubleshoot any issues you may have.


If you are stuck, or do not feel comfortable troubleshooting, please contact us for support. We are always here to help you.

I am getting an error whilst trying to install XenReseller

If the install process fails, it should give you an error which describes the issue. If you are unsure what the error means, please contact us for support.

The most common issue is not having the correct packages installed on your server. Please ensure you have the following packages installed:

  • PHP
  • curl
  • wget
  • tar

Another issue may be due to not running the script as root. Please ensure you are using the provided command in the dashboard to install XenReseller.

I am getting "Unable to connect to server. Please try again later." in DirectAdmin

This error is usually caused by something gone wrong whilst starting XenReseller. To find this out, please check XenReseller's logs for the error located in:


At the bottom of the log file, you should see the error. If you are unsure what the error means, please contact us for support.